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Brekz International Logo
Brekz International INTERNSHIP Online Marketing in Die Niederlande
Schnellbewerbung Veröffentlicht am 07.06.2024 Praktikum

Brekz International is a fast-growing internet shop in pet food and pet supplies with webshops in 10 European countries and 100 employees. Our central office is located in the Netherlands (www.brekz.nl). For our expansion in Germany and other German speaking countries we offer an internship Online Marketing abroad for a German speaking student, who is interested to learn a lot about the real practice of online marketing in the Netherlands for about 5 - 6 months.


You will be directly involved in the development and growth of a young and innovative ecommerce company. Keywords are online marketing, email marketing, search engine advertising (SEO/SEA), link building, social media advertising and affiliate marketing. This includes optimal use of Google AdWords, keyword-based analytics, all kinds of online campaigns and customer loyalty. You will also be involved in customer service.


You are communicative, creative, flexible and capable to work independently in an informal and no-nonsense environment. A pleasant and educational internship where you will be given responsibilities as well. There will be good mentor support from the company.


We offer:

• A pleasant and educational working environment in the Centre of the NL (Utrecht)

• Be part of a young and enthusiastic team

• A company that is open to new ideas

• A room in a student house for free


To apply: send your motivation and CV to marketing at brekz.nl

to the attention of mr. E. Broekhuizen.


Brekz International BV

Computerweg 2

3542 DR Utrecht


www.brekz.nl                         www.brekz.at                               www.brekz.fr           www.brekz.it                            www.brekz.be                            www.brekz.de

www.brekz.ch                         www.brekz.dk                            www.brekz.se



• You are studying for a Bachelor/University degree and speak German fluently

• You have strong interest in e-commerce and knowledge of (online) marketing

• You have work ethic, team working skills and are commercially driven

• You are creative in initiating new marketing concepts

• You make use of social media and possibly have experience in SEO/SEA



We offer:

• A pleasant and educational working environment in the Centre of the NL (Utrecht)

• Be part of a young and enthusiastic team

• A company that is open to new ideas

• A room in a student house for free


To apply: send your motivation and CV to marketing at brekz.nl

to the attention of mr. E. Broekhuizen.


Brekz International BV

Computerweg 2

3542 DR Utrecht


www.brekz.nl                         www.brekz.at                               www.brekz.fr           www.brekz.it                            www.brekz.be                            www.brekz.de

www.brekz.ch                         www.brekz.dk                            www.brekz.se


To apply: send your motivation and CV to marketing at brekz.nl

to the attention of mr. E. Broekhuizen.


Brekz International BV

Computerweg 2

3542 DR Utrecht


Über das Unternehmen

Brekz International is a fast-growing internet shop in pet food and pet supplies with webshops in 10 European countries and 100 employees. Our central office is located in the Netherlands (www.brekz.nl). For our expansion in Germany and other German speaking countries we offer an internship Online Marketing abroad for a German speaking student, who is interested to learn a lot about the real practice of online marketing in the Netherlands for about 5 - 6 months.


Brekz International, Computerweg, 2, 3542DR UTRECHT, Niederlande

Wie komme ich schnell voran im Bereich Marketing?

Kaum eine Branche ist so am Puls der Zeit wie die Marketingbranche – und kein erfolgreiches Unternehmen kommt heutzutage ohne eine wirksame Marketingstrategie aus. Im Praktikum lernst du, wie Erfolgskonzepte entwickelt werden, wie man Zielgruppen versteht und wie man eine Kommunikationsstrategie gezielt darauf ausrichtet. Dafür ist ein Studium in BWL, den Kommunikationswissenschaften, Sprachwissenschaften, der Medieninformatik oder einem ähnlichen Studiengang perfekt.

Außerdem brauchst du analytisches und wirtschaftliches Geschick, Einfühlungsvermögen und Kommunikationsstärke, Kreativität, Flexibilität und Trendbewusstsein sowie ein Gefühl für Sprache und Visualisierung. Dann kommst du schnell voran.

Was lernt man bei einem Praktikum im Bereich Marketing?

  • Zielgruppenanalyse sowie die Entwicklung von Konzepten und Strategien
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Anzeigenmarketing und Content Marketing
  • Projektmanagement
  • Employer Branding Maßnahmen
  • Erstellen von Werbemitteln

Wie gut werden Praktika im Bereich Marketing bezahlt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 450 €
Ø 692 €
bis 935 €


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